👋 Hi!
My name is Daniel Anadria and I am a computational statistician interested in socio-technical approaches to responsible AI system development. I am a doctoral researcher at Utrecht University (dept. Methodology & Statistics) with affiliate appointments at Delft University of Technology (fac. Technology Policy and Management) and University Medical Center Utrecht (Julius Center).
My work combines computational modeling and socio-technical system mapping with the aim of guiding the responsible development, implementation, and maintenance of data-driven clinical decision support systems. I’m interested in ways to evaluate and ensure that AI systems exhibit desirable properties such as fairness, transparency, safety, whilst conforming to the regulations of the European single market in their operations. I draw insights from my education and experiences in the domains of statistics, applied data science, natural language processing, and psychology. I believe that safe AI systems require purposeful engineering cognizant of the broader societal context.
🌱 Inspiration
As a PhD candidate, I am incredibly fortunate to be able to learn and draw insights from a multitude of inspiring researchers. First and foremost, there’s my supervision team which consists of Prof. Dr. Daniel Oberski (Human Data Science lab), Dr.ir. Roel Dobbe (Sociotechnical AI Systems lab), and Dr. Anastasia Giachanou (Natural Language and Text Processing lab). In addition, a lot of my learning can be attributed to Dr. Maarten van Smeden’s Methods for AI and Data Science group at the University Medical Center Utrecht, as well as to members of the Algorithmic Society consortium which are a great inspiration.
🗞️ What’s new?
- Following a course on system safety and hazard analysis at TU Delft
- Joined UMCU Julius Center - Data Science Group
- Began an AI research internship at St. Antonius Hospital 🥼
- Organizing the Dutch Clinical NLP Workshop - join us on June 24 2024 in Utrecht! 🇳🇱
- A collaboration article with Caspar van Lissa and Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal is published in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 🥳
- The preprint of my recent collaboration with Jelle Teijema is out! 🙌
- Joined Data Science: Introduction to Text Mining with R and Data Science: Applied Text Mining summer school courses as a TA for the second year in a row
- Joined the European Workshop for Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF’23) as a proceedings chair! 🪑
🤝 Want to get in touch?
If we share interests, you are interested in one of my past projects, or would like to collaborate or consult me about your present work, feel free to reach out!